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Coming Up Next:
Prof. Holger Ehrhardt
Holger Ehrhardt, a German studies professor at the University of Kassel since 2012, has been researching the life and work of the Brothers Grimm for 30 years. Over the last 10 years he has worked intensively on fairy-tale and narrative research. He was able to identify several contributors to the Children's and Household Fairy Tales, including the Marburg fairy-tale woman, who contributed the fairy tale “Cinderella,” and Eleonore Storch, whose version of the fairy tale “The Wishing-Table, the Gold-Ass, and the Cudgel in the Sack” became the leading version of this story worldwide. By shedding light on the socio-cultural environment of these people, questions about the history of transmission could be answered in new ways.
Holger Ehrhardt is currently working on an edition of the original versions of the Children's and Household Fairy Tales in the Berlin Grimm estate, which includes over 60 texts. This edition will introduce various new insights into the early history of this important collection of fairy tales.
When: January 21, 12:00 pm EST/EDT.
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Healing Narratives Project
Donate $20 today!
Telling fairy tales to a sick child not only prompts the child to tell their story that is highly valuable for healthcare professionals, but it also reduces pain and stress and increases oxytocin levels. These are the results of a research study involving children in critical care units.
The BGSNA is on a storytelling mission. We are raising funds to purchase 200 books of The Original Folk and Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm: The Complete First Edition edited by Jack Zipes, published by Princeton University Press, 2014, to donate to 200 Pediatric Hospitals, members of the Children’s Hospital Association. Princeton University Press has partnered with the BGSNA for the project and offered us a generous discount to purchase the books.
Learn more about the book here: The Original Folk and Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm: The Complete First Edition
The BGSNA kindly ask you to donate a book ($20, incl. packaging and postage) in honor or memory of a child or a friend or an animal, by October 31.
​You can donate here on our website, on GoFundMe, write us a check, or simply make a deposit to the BGSNA bank account with Wells Fargo (#9994923705).
Thank you very much for your storytelling and healing impact! Contact us if you have any questions!

Our Mission
The BGSNA is a literary, nonprofit (501)(c)(3) public benefit corporation. It was organized under the Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation Law for public purposes in the state of Florida on October 2, 2021. The purposes of the corporation are to encourage and promote the study and research of all aspects of the legacy and the spirit of the brothers Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm, their works, their lives, their period, and the historic and contemporary dissemination of the Grimms' fairy tales as well as their other texts.
Latest News

“The Brothers Grimm: More than Fairy Tales”
by Gabriele Rose (2022)
Prof. Jack Zipes says about the film:
“It is excellent! … Anyone who might want to teach a course about fairy tales should begin with this film, for it raises many questions and clarifies who the Grimms were and how important they are.”

“If you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales. If you want them to be more intelligent, read them more fairy tales.”